Vibrant Spirit Massage, LLC

Services & Rates

Therapeutic Massage

60/90 minutes minutes: $90/$135

Therapeutic Massage uses creams and oils with an array of strokes and techniques to help the body release tight muscles and improve circulation. This type of massage does not need to cause intolerable or excruciating pain to get results. Site specific deep tissue massage may be used at times in the deeper tissue structure of the muscle. This pressure will generally be more intense but is always kept within your level of tolerance. The benefits of a therapeutic massage, with or without deeper work, are wide-ranging and include relief from new and chronic aches and pains, reduced muscle tension, decreased stress levels in the body, improved circulation with stimulation of the lymphatic system, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance in the skin, greater flexibility, and improved recovery of soft tissue injuries.

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Site Specific Massage

30/45 minutes minutes: $50/$65

Site Specific Massage focuses on new injuries or particularly troublesome, overworked areas of the body that are disrupting your every day movement and causing pain. While the whole body may not be treated during this session, the area(s) that are being addressed provide immediate relief from pain and soreness. This type of massage is more frequent, with sessions biweekly or weekly. 

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Prenatal Massage

60 minutes minutes: $90

Prenatal Massage is designed specifically for the pregnant woman. Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Prenatal massage helps relieve the pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, enhanced function of muscles and joints as well as relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, improved circulation, breathing and relaxation, easing mental and physical fatigue.

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